
Acrylic paint on a spray-painted canvas is the medium of choice for this artist, who wishes to remain anonymous. We can tell you that the artist intends to donate half of the proceeds from these works to the host, Hike Toronto, to help with maintainance and construction of trails within the city of Toronto. This piece is called Despoiled Earth, and represents how the planet doesn't care about our existence, and will survive us until forces greater than we are finish her off. $175.
Caged Freedom 1 & 2 are named for their resemblance to wings behind a net. These are to be sold only as a set, and the asking price is $140.
Random Unity This collection was painted simultaneously using three different types of drip or splatter technique and the canvases were rearranged between each layer or change in technique so that there is no single orientation or arrangement that forms a completed puzzle. Each piece was then randomly assigned a name in four parts: a word synonumous with randomness, one of the first four letters in the standard alphabet, one of the first four letters in the Greek alphabet, and one of the numbers 1 thru 4. The price for the set is $200 or any single piece can be purchased for $60.
To purchase any of the paintings above or to commission an origonal work, reach out to Hike Toronto using the "contact us" page on this website, and we will put you in contact with the artist.